

What is MyEtherWallet (MEW)?

MyEtherWallet (MEW) is a free, open-source, client-side interface that allows you to interact with the Ethereum blockchain. You can use MEW to create and manage your own Ethereum wallets, send and receive Ether and ERC-20 tokens. You can also swap and buy crypto, stake and earn rewards, access web3 apps, and more. MEW is a non-custodial wallet, which means that you are in full control of your private keys and funds. MEW also supports various hardware and software wallets, such as Ledger, Trezor, MetaMask, and WalletConnect. MEW is one of the most popular and trusted Ethereum wallets, with millions of users worldwide since 2015.

MyEtherWallet Features

Some of the features that make MyEtherWallet (MEW) a powerful and versatile wallet for all your crypto needs are:

  • Multiple features for Ethereum-based crypto assets: Users can store, send, and receive a wide range of Ethereum-based crypto assets, such as ETH, ERC-20 tokens, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Users can also swap tokens using the built-in swap function that allows the swapping of Ethereum-based tokens or engage in cross-chain swaps to swap tokens across blockchains like Bitcoin (BTC).

  • Access to decentralized applications (dApps): MEW users can interact with smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps) on the Ethereum blockchain, such as Uniswap, Compound, Aave, and more. Users can also stake ETH and purchase and manage blockchain-based ENS domains by accessing the interface’s connected DApp ecosystem and more than 2,000 other DApps using the MEW mobile wallet.

  • Supports all Ethereum-compatible networks: The non-custodial wallet supports other Ethereum-compatible networks, such as Ethereum Classic, Binance Smart Chain, and Polygon. Users can switch between different networks and manage their assets on multiple chains with ease.

  • Trusted data, from the source: MEW provides users with reliable and transparent data from the Ethereum blockchain, using its own block explorer ethVM. Users can track, analyze, and explore transactions, addresses, tokens, and contracts on the Ethereum network.

  • Superb security and privacy: MEW encrypts the private keys on the device and masks the IP address of the user, ensuring that no one can access or track the user’s funds or activities. MEW also allows users to customize their gas fees and transaction speeds, giving them more control and flexibility over their transactions.

Setting Up Your MyEtherWallet

To set up MyEtherWallet (MEW), you can follow these steps:

  • Visit the official website of MEW at www.myetherwallet.com

  • Click on “Create a new wallet” and choose the option that suits you best. You can use the MEW wallet app, the Enkrypt browser extension, a hardware wallet, or a software wallet.

  • If you choose the software wallet option, you will need to create a strong password and download a keystore file. You will also need to write down your recovery phrase, which is a set of 24 words that can help you restore your wallet in case you lose access to your device or forget your password.

  • Once you have created or accessed your wallet, you can use MEW to store, send, receive, swap, and buy various Ethereum-based crypto assets, such as ETH, ERC-20 tokens, and NFTs. You can also access decentralized applications (dApps), stake ETH, and explore the Ethereum blockchain using MEW.

Managing Cryptocurrencies with MyEtherWallet

To manage cryptocurrencies with MyEtherWallet (MEW), you can follow these steps:

  • Access your wallet using MEW web, MEW wallet app, or Enkrypt browser extension. You can choose from various wallet types, such as software, hardware, or web3 wallets.

  • To store cryptocurrencies, you need to add the coins and tokens you want to manage from the list of supported assets. You can also create custom tokens if they are not on the list.

  • To send cryptocurrencies, you need to enter the recipient’s address, the amount, and the gas fee. You can also use QR codes or ENS domains to simplify the process. You will need to confirm the transaction on your device or wallet app.

  • To receive cryptocurrencies, you need to share your address, QR code, or ENS domain with the sender. You can also request a specific amount or generate a payment link.

  • To swap cryptocurrencies, you can use the built-in swap function that allows you to exchange Ethereum-based tokens or cross-chain swaps to exchange tokens across blockchains like Bitcoin. You can also use the integrated decentralized exchanges, such as Uniswap, Kyber, or Changelly.

  • To buy cryptocurrencies, you can use the integrated fiat-to-crypto service, such as Simplex, that allows you to purchase crypto with your credit card or bank transfer.

MyEtherWallet Security

MyEtherWallet is a non-custodial wallet, which means that you are in full control of your private keys and funds. MEW also provides superb security and privacy features to protect your crypto assets and activities. It uses top-of-the-line encryption algorithms and techniques to secure your private keys on your device. MEW also supports Tor and VPN connections for extra privacy.

MyEtherWallet Token

You can use MEW to store, send, receive, swap, and buy various tokens on the Ethereum network. Some of the token features of MEW are:

  • Token storage and management: MEW allows you to store and manage a wide range of tokens on your wallet. You can add the tokens you want to manage from the list of supported assets, or create custom tokens if they are not on the list.

  • Token sending and receiving: MEW allows you to send and receive tokens to and from any Ethereum address. You can enter the recipient’s address, the amount, and the gas fee, or use QR codes or ENS domains to simplify the process. You can also request a specific amount or generate a payment link to share with the sender.

  • Token swapping and buying: MEW allows you to swap and buy tokens with ease. You can use the built-in swap function that allows you to exchange Ethereum-based tokens or engage in cross-chain swaps to exchange tokens across blockchains like Bitcoin. You can also use the integrated fiat-to-crypto service, such as Simplex, that allows you to purchase tokens with your credit card or bank transfer.

Recent Developments in MyEtherWallet

MEW is constantly developing and improving its features and services to provide the best user experience and security for its users. Some of the recent developments in MEW are:

  • MEW v6.9.1 is the latest release of MEW web, which includes some bug fixes and improvements, such as copy changes, fiat values, and double-click prevention on send.

  • MEW wallet app v2.0.0 is the latest release of MEW wallet app, which is a mobile wallet for iOS and Android devices.

  • Enkrypt v1.0.0 is the latest release of Enkrypt, which is a browser extension for Chrome and Firefox that allows you to access MEW web with ease and security.

  • MEWconnect v2.0.0 is the latest release of MEWconnect, which is a protocol that allows you to connect your MEW wallet app to MEW web or other DApps using a QR code.

Pros and Cons of MyEtherWallet

Here are some of the pros and cons of using MEW:

Pros of MyEtherWallet

  • User Control: MEW gives users full control over their private keys and funds. Wallets are generated and stored locally on the user’s device, ensuring that they have sole access to their funds.

  • Security: As a client-side wallet, MEW does not store any user information or private keys on its servers, reducing the risk of hacks or data breaches. Users can take additional security measures, such as using hardware wallets or offline transaction signing, to enhance the security of their funds.

  • Compatibility: MEW is compatible with multiple platforms and devices, including desktop computers, mobile devices, and hardware wallets. This provides flexibility and accessibility for users to manage their Ethereum wallets from various devices.

  • DApp Browser: MEW provides a built-in DApp browser, allowing users to interact with decentralized applications directly from the wallet interface. Users can access and use various Ethereum-based applications and services without leaving the MEW platform.

Cons of MyEtherWallet

  • No support for non-Ethereum altcoins: MEW web and mobile only support digital assets running on Ethereum and Ethereum-compatible blockchains. Users who want to store and manage other cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, or Ripple, will need to use a different wallet.

  • Learning curve: MEW requires users to have some basic knowledge of how Ethereum and blockchain work, such as gas fees, transaction speeds, and network congestion. Users who are new to crypto may find MEW confusing or intimidating to use.

  • User responsibility: MEW puts the responsibility of securing and backing up the wallet on the user. Users who lose their private keys, recovery phrases, or devices may lose access to their funds permanently. Users who enter the wrong address, amount, or gas fee may also lose their funds irreversibly.


MyEtherWallet is a user-friendly and secure interface for the Ethereum blockchain. It gives users full control over their private keys and funds, and allows them to manage Ethereum-based crypto assets. It also enables users to interact with smart contracts and dApps, and benefit from the Ethereum ecosystem. MEW is compatible with various platforms and devices, and supports multiple Ethereum-compatible networks. MEW is a great choice for anyone who wants to store, send, receive, swap, and buy crypto on the Ethereum network.


What is MEW?
MEW is a free, open-source, client-side interface that allows you to interact with the Ethereum blockchain. You can use MEW to create and manage your own Ethereum wallets, send and receive Ether and ERC-20 tokens, swap and buy crypto, stake and earn rewards, access web3 apps, and more.
Can I store Bitcoin in MEW?
No, MEW is designed for Ethereum and ERC-20 tokens only.
Does MEW charge fees?
MEW itself doesn’t charge fees, but network transaction fees apply.
Is MEW safe?
MEW is a non-custodial wallet, which means that you are in full control of your private keys and funds. MEW also provides superb security and privacy features, such as encryption, IP masking, gas fee customization, and backup and recovery options. However, MEW also puts the responsibility of securing and backing up the wallet on the user.
How do I send and receive crypto with MEW?
You can send and receive crypto with MEW using your wallet address, QR code, or ENS domain.
How do I swap and buy crypto with MEW?
You can swap and buy crypto with MEW using the built-in swap function or the integrated fiat-to-crypto service. You can use the swap function to exchange Ethereum-based tokens or cross-chain tokens. You can use the fiat-to-crypto service to purchase crypto with your credit card or bank transfer.
How do I access dApps with MEW?
You can access dApps with MEW using the built-in DApp browser or the Web3 support. You can use the DApp browser to interact with smart contracts and decentralized applications on the Ethereum blockchain, such as Uniswap, Compound, Aave, and more. You can use the Web3 support to connect your MEW wallet to other DApp platforms, such as MetaMask, WalletConnect, or Coinbase Wallet.